FCRA ‘Revision Application’ process made online

MHA (FCRA) has now made the process of applying for Revision of an Order passed by the FCRA department under section 32 of the FCRA, 2010 online. This is a good change initiated by the department.

MHA’s Order can be read at: https://fcraonline.nic.in/home/PDF_Doc/fc_12082022.pdf
Who can apply?
Any organisation that is registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (FCRA 2010) and is aggrieved by an order of the Central Government under FCRA may now prefer “Revision Application” in terms of Section 32 of the FCRA 2010 and rule 20 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011 (FCRR 2011).
Under FCRA this is a form of appellate remedy. For example, in case an organisation feels that it’s application for either registration, prior permission or renewal has been rejected without proper justification, the ‘Revision Application’ which earlier had to be sent by post can now be submitted electronically on the FCRA online portal.
Whom to apply?
The application for revision of an order shall be made to the Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi in electronic form only.
Date of effectiveness?
With effect from 1st September 2022, revision applications shall be acceptable only in electronic mode (online). Applications sent by post shall not be entertained.
Any organization wanting to file an application for revision of an order passed by the competent authority (MHA, FCRA) may upload a scanned copy of its application on the FCRA web portal (https://fcraonline.nic.in/) under main heading ‘Services under FCRA’, sub heading ‘Revision Application against Section 32, FCRA 2010.’
A scanned copy of the duly signed application on plain paper is acceptable. MHA has not provided any specific FC Form nor suggested a format for application.
The application must provide justification for Revision of the Order and must be submitted with supporting documents, if any.
A fee of Rs. 3,000/- (Three Thousand only) must be paid through the payment gateway specified by the Central Government.
Time frame
The application must be made within one year from the date on which the order in question was communicated or the date on which the organisation otherwise came to know of it, whichever is earlier.