United Nations High Commissioner’s Report On the Enabling Environment for Civil Society
India should welcome the report of the UN High Commissioner on Human
Rights on “Practical recommendations for the creation and maintenance of a safe
and enabling environment for civil society, based on good practices and lessons
learned” (A/H/32/20).
Rights on “Practical recommendations for the creation and maintenance of a safe
and enabling environment for civil society, based on good practices and lessons
learned” (A/H/32/20).
The report highlights elements necessary for
robust civil society space and sustainability of the sector.
robust civil society space and sustainability of the sector.
Among other recommendations, the report calls on States to:
1. Ensure
that civil society actors can seek, receive and use funding and other
resources, whether domestic or foreign, without prior authorization or other
undue impediments.
that civil society actors can seek, receive and use funding and other
resources, whether domestic or foreign, without prior authorization or other
undue impediments.
2. Ensure
that all counter-terrorism measures that have an impact on civil
society comply with all relevant international human rights law and standards.
that all counter-terrorism measures that have an impact on civil
society comply with all relevant international human rights law and standards.
3. Demonstrate
high-level political support for the independence and diversity of civic
activity through public statements and public information campaigns.
high-level political support for the independence and diversity of civic
activity through public statements and public information campaigns.
4. Recognize
the right to participation in public decision-making processes in
legislation, adopt new technologies and social media to solicit wider input,
and increase capacity of officials to implement meaningful consultations.
the right to participation in public decision-making processes in
legislation, adopt new technologies and social media to solicit wider input,
and increase capacity of officials to implement meaningful consultations.
5. Develop
or update a national policy framework and action plan to guide
implementation of the recommendations formulated in the present report and
of all international human rights law and standards relevant to civil society
or update a national policy framework and action plan to guide
implementation of the recommendations formulated in the present report and
of all international human rights law and standards relevant to civil society
The report also calls on regional and international entities,
including the UN Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations of the Economic
and Social Council, to expand transparency and provide for the effective
participation of civil society.
including the UN Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations of the Economic
and Social Council, to expand transparency and provide for the effective
participation of civil society.
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