Opportunity for defaulting association to file their FCRA accounts

Do you know of any association which unfortunately has lost its registration under the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA) 2010 on account of not filing online accounts with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)? If so, MHA has opened a window of opportunity for such organisations to upload their annual accounts without levy of any penalty.

Reportedly, MHA has deregistered more than 14,800 associations under FCRA in the past five years and most of these cancellations have been on account of the association’s failure in submitting annual accounts in the prescribed Form FC 4.
If FCRA registration is cancelled on account of not filing annual accounts online the association is debarred from re-applying for registration or even prior permission for a period of three years from the date of de-registration. However, MHA has temporarily relaxed this rule.
This is a good opportunity for defaulting associations to file their missing online accounts and restore their FCRA registration.
Hurry, MHA’s offer closes on 31st October 2019.
MHA’s Notice: https://fcraonline.nic.in/home/PDF_Doc/fc_notice_01082019.pdf