HOW I GOT HERE – Tanya Balsara

I met Tanya Balsara five years ago, while co-authoring my book,
Cuisine for A Cause. If I hadn’t been told that she had a condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa, I would never have guessed that she was almost completely
sightless. Warm, cheerful and living life
to the fullest, her work embodies the phrase ‘our eyes are our window to the
world’. Through her computer centre she offers the
visually-impaired an opportunity to experience a whole new world. It’s
both my pleasure and privilege to share her journey with you, in her own words – By Meher Gandevia-Billimoria
Cuisine for A Cause. If I hadn’t been told that she had a condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa, I would never have guessed that she was almost completely
sightless. Warm, cheerful and living life
to the fullest, her work embodies the phrase ‘our eyes are our window to the
world’. Through her computer centre she offers the
visually-impaired an opportunity to experience a whole new world. It’s
both my pleasure and privilege to share her journey with you, in her own words – By Meher Gandevia-Billimoria
I founded Tanya Computer Centre because…having become
computer literate myself from the Indian Association for the Visually
Handicapped, Churchgate, I realised that computers and the internet can open up
a whole new world and I can make chutney of my handicap! A desire grew in me
that I should afford this opportunity to others like me and thereby open up a
new world for all of them too. I also had time on my hands, so I thought I
would do the teaching myself.
computer literate myself from the Indian Association for the Visually
Handicapped, Churchgate, I realised that computers and the internet can open up
a whole new world and I can make chutney of my handicap! A desire grew in me
that I should afford this opportunity to others like me and thereby open up a
new world for all of them too. I also had time on my hands, so I thought I
would do the teaching myself.
When my dad came to know about this desire of mine, he helped me
set up Tanya Computer Centre at MNB Home (full form) in Jogeshwari, Mumbai.
Subsequently when MNB home stopped functioning, we decided to move the centre
to an outhouse in our compound at home, where it functions today. I soon
realised that for the visually-challenged, a knowledge of computers is also a
boon because it can open up many new job opportunities for them and make people
like me economically independent, which is so important in today’s world.
set up Tanya Computer Centre at MNB Home (full form) in Jogeshwari, Mumbai.
Subsequently when MNB home stopped functioning, we decided to move the centre
to an outhouse in our compound at home, where it functions today. I soon
realised that for the visually-challenged, a knowledge of computers is also a
boon because it can open up many new job opportunities for them and make people
like me economically independent, which is so important in today’s world.
At the end of a typical day at the centre … I feel sometimes
tired, but at most times great. It gives me immense satisfaction, especially
after a test where students have performed well and great joy to share my
knowledge with others.
tired, but at most times great. It gives me immense satisfaction, especially
after a test where students have performed well and great joy to share my
knowledge with others.
Challenges I faced along the way were… initially, only the language barrier, as some of them
don’t follow spoken English fully. At times, certain concepts are also
difficult to visualise. To overcome that hurdle, a tactile book has been
prepared. This book consists of tactile images of what is on the screen like
the desktop, icons, windows, etc.
Our work has come a long way…thanks to my wonderful family and well-wishers who have helped by
motivating me, encouraging me and giving me kudos at each stage for all my
little achievements. It is only thanks to my family’s support and
encouragement, that I am where I am. When I say support, it’s not just
financial, but also emotional. I need a little push to get going with things
and my Dad has played a huge role in this. However, we do have a long way to
motivating me, encouraging me and giving me kudos at each stage for all my
little achievements. It is only thanks to my family’s support and
encouragement, that I am where I am. When I say support, it’s not just
financial, but also emotional. I need a little push to get going with things
and my Dad has played a huge role in this. However, we do have a long way to
If I had not set up the centre, I would…probably have gone to my Dad’s office everyday and spent
some time there. However, I must say I am very happy doing what I do and can’t
imagine life without it. The centre has increased my confidence, and it has
also provided a platform to interact with all kinds of people.
some time there. However, I must say I am very happy doing what I do and can’t
imagine life without it. The centre has increased my confidence, and it has
also provided a platform to interact with all kinds of people.
My motivation comes from… hearing stories of
successful people that the world is full of, including many disabled people who
have not let their disability come in their way. Just the other day, I heard
about a visually-challenged girl becoming an IFS ( Indian Foreign Service)
officer. I truly believe that ‘disabilities create barriers but determination breaks them’. I also believe that family support is the most
important. The disabled don’t need sympathy, but empathy.
successful people that the world is full of, including many disabled people who
have not let their disability come in their way. Just the other day, I heard
about a visually-challenged girl becoming an IFS ( Indian Foreign Service)
officer. I truly believe that ‘disabilities create barriers but determination breaks them’. I also believe that family support is the most
important. The disabled don’t need sympathy, but empathy.
For any organisation, I think being legally compliant is… absolutely important, in today’s world of
complex laws. At the centre we use only legal software. I think it is important
to be open to change and to keep up with technology in order to progress, but
one must also stick to certain core values like honesty, integrity and live in
compliance with the laws of the land and ethics of society.
complex laws. At the centre we use only legal software. I think it is important
to be open to change and to keep up with technology in order to progress, but
one must also stick to certain core values like honesty, integrity and live in
compliance with the laws of the land and ethics of society.
The USP of my centre is…our special bond with our students, whom we try and provide with a
mix of work and fun. After all, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! We
also try to aim for overall personality development and English literacy, which
is as important as computer literacy. The visually impaired may not have sight but don’t lack vision.
The differently-abled don’t do different things; they just do things
mix of work and fun. After all, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! We
also try to aim for overall personality development and English literacy, which
is as important as computer literacy. The visually impaired may not have sight but don’t lack vision.
The differently-abled don’t do different things; they just do things
Awards and rewards…have been given to me a few times in the past, but they are only a
milestone, or rather a stepping stone. The journey is far from over. I am
fortunate that society has been kind to me and all my friends, family and
acquaintances have been very supportive of me and sensitive to my special
milestone, or rather a stepping stone. The journey is far from over. I am
fortunate that society has been kind to me and all my friends, family and
acquaintances have been very supportive of me and sensitive to my special
My 5-year vision includes…to diversify into areas like English speaking and soft skills
development. It is to see the entire visually-impaired community computer
literate and for employers to see them no differently than able persons.
development. It is to see the entire visually-impaired community computer
literate and for employers to see them no differently than able persons.
If I could change one thing about the social sector…I would urge every individual to be sensitive to the
disabled. We don’t need sympathy, but empathy and support. The disabled need to
be given the same opportunities as their able counter-parts. You will be
surprised at their capability and dedication, if they are given an opportunity,
training and some patience.
disabled. We don’t need sympathy, but empathy and support. The disabled need to
be given the same opportunities as their able counter-parts. You will be
surprised at their capability and dedication, if they are given an opportunity,
training and some patience.
Leadership in any organisation…I think being a leader is necessary, not being a boss. “Let’s do
it”, rather than “Do it!”, should be every boss’ motto. Respect cannot be
demanded but has to be earned and that can only be achieved if you give respect
to others, regardless of class and stature.
it”, rather than “Do it!”, should be every boss’ motto. Respect cannot be
demanded but has to be earned and that can only be achieved if you give respect
to others, regardless of class and stature.
The one person who has inspired me… I am truly inspired by Helen Keller. She once said, “The
most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or heard, but felt with the
most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or heard, but felt with the
In my free time I… I enjoy exercising at the gym, talking on the phone, listening
to music and using the internet.
to music and using the internet.
Tanya Computer Centre, located in
Jogeshwari, a suburb in western Mumbai, trains visually-challenged students to
use the computer and internet, using a screen-reading software called JAWS.
To know more about CAP’s work –
Tanya, your story will definitely inspire more people – not just the visually impaired or differently-abled! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Congratulations, best wihes and
God Bless. Jeh.
Tanya your story will definitely inspire more people – not just
the visually impaired or differently-abled! Thank you for sharing
your thoughts with us. Congratulations and best wihes. Jeh.
Congrats Tanya. Wish you the very best. God bless. You surely are an inspiration to many including me.