FCRA Renewal Update

invite attention of our reader’s to the latest Notice on the
Ministry of Home Affairs (FCRA) website: https://fcraonline.nic.in
invite attention of our reader’s to the latest Notice on the
Ministry of Home Affairs (FCRA) website: https://fcraonline.nic.in
1) A
list of 1,736 cases that have been closed due to “non submission or
deficiency of documents” can be found at:
list of 1,736 cases that have been closed due to “non submission or
deficiency of documents” can be found at:
has advised that representation in this regard in support of the
deficiency in the application may be submitted through designated
email usfcra-mha@gov.in by
8th November,
has advised that representation in this regard in support of the
deficiency in the application may be submitted through designated
email usfcra-mha@gov.in by
8th November,
representation will be entertained after this cut-off date. Also,
representation must be made electronically by email only.
representation will be entertained after this cut-off date. Also,
representation must be made electronically by email only.
assistance, one may also call 011- 23438041/42 (9.30 a.m. to 5.30
assistance, one may also call 011- 23438041/42 (9.30 a.m. to 5.30
MHA has also published a list of associations whose FCRA registration
was valid up till 31st
October 2016 but these organisations had not applied for renewal by
the cut-off date for renewal (i.e. 30th
June 2016). The
validity of registration of these 11,319 associations is now deemed
expired from 1st
November 2016.
MHA has also published a list of associations whose FCRA registration
was valid up till 31st
October 2016 but these organisations had not applied for renewal by
the cut-off date for renewal (i.e. 30th
June 2016). The
validity of registration of these 11,319 associations is now deemed
expired from 1st
November 2016.
list is available at:
list is available at: