CAP’s Workshop on Good Governance & Effective Management of NPOs

Time: 10.00 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.
Venue: YMCA International House, Mumbai Central, Behind Maratha Mandir Cinema.
Key Workshop Learning & Take-away:
• Good Governance Best Practice
• Risk Management
• Performance Management
• Value Protection
• Value Creation
• Change Management
Boards and management of NGOs and other not for profit organisations need to be able to constantly respond to a number of questions:
- What is good governance and what are the necessary attributes for boards of the future? Structures, behaviors and competencies need to be fit for practice and understanding of what successful organisations are doing.
- Why we are here and where are we going to? This requires clear understanding of the mandate, mission, vision and values of the organisation.
- How do we get there? This requires a coherent strategy and operational plan to deliver against objectives.
- What might prevent us from getting there? This is the risk management piece. Risk management is not about being risk averse but about understanding the uncertainties that can prevent the organisation from achieving its goals.
- How do we know we are getting there? This is the performance measurement piece, tying into effective processes and delivering impact.
- How do we remain nimble? This requires recognition that change is constant and managing change needs to be understood at all levels
Trustees of trusts, members of the governing body of societies, Directors on the Board of Non-profit companies, CEOs, COOs and all key senior executives would benefit from the learning at this workshop.
Continuous learning and improvement is something that all Boards and Management need to consider. The organisations that are succeeding have recognized this and know that they need to be nimble and able to change and adapt. How do you stay best in class, in governance, risk management and performance measurement?
This Workshop will discuss how to implement risk management that focuses on both value protection and value creation, linking strategy to risk. It will also discuss aspects of measuring performance and impact and will consider useful research on change management and strategy facing NGOs.
We will discuss what leads to successful change, lessons learned, how to go about it and how to recognise when change is needed. Most change efforts do not deliver up to expectations. What is the difference between successful transformational change and simply tweaking? Boards and senior management need to ensure that they can lead and shape change efforts big and small.
Pesh Framjee is the Partner leading the International Not For Profit Group at Crowe Horwath International. A role he previously carried out at Deloitte and Arthur Andersen. Pesh is a Chartered Accountant working in the UK with Crowe Clark Whitehill which is has been recognized by independent surveys as the leading provider of audit and related services to charities. Crowe Horwath International is ranked number 8 among global accounting firms and associations, with over 760 offices throughout the world, has specialist teams working with Not for Profit Organisations and those that fund them.
Pesh has been working in UK for over 35 years and writes and lectures internationally on matters facing NGOs and Civil Society. Pesh works with NGOs around the world and therefore understands the different contexts – he is an Indian citizen who is regularly in India and he has an understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing Indian NGOs.
He is an acknowledged expert in the field and a thought leader in areas of financial management, financial reporting, effective governance, strategy and risk management and performance measurement.
Pesh is past board member of the Institute of Risk Management, Special Advisor to the Charity Finance Group (A UK umbrella body with more than 1,350 charities in membership, managing over £21.1 billion). He has been a member for 22 year of the SORP Committee that produces the accounting and narrative reporting guidelines for UK charities and is also a member of the working group considering the development of an International Financial Reporting Standard for Not for Profit Entities
FEES: Rs. 1,000/- per participant (Fee includes cost of vegetarian/non-vegetarian buffet lunch, tea and workshop material.
Fees must be paid in advance and once paid, it will not be refunded
You may send a cheque drawn in favour of Centre for Advancement of Philanthropy to our registered office at the following address: Centre for Advancement of Philanthropy 4th Floor, Mulla House Behind Flora Fountain, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001
Via bank transfer (NEFT), using the following details:
Bank Name: Central Bank of India
Bank Address: Central Bank of India, Mumbai Main Office Branch, Mumbai 400 023
Name Of Account Holder: Centre for Advancement of Philanthropy
Account Number: 1721311396
IFSC: CBIN0280621
If you opt for payment by bank transfer, kindly notify us at or call us on (022) 22846534.
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